All About the Toothbrush: It’s History, The Types Available, and Proper Brushing Techniques

A toothbrush is something we all have, yet we probably don’t think about. Your toothbrush may be identified by its color which separates it from those belonging to the rest of your family. It may be electric or manual, depending upon your preference. There are baby toothbrushes, children’s toothbrushes, and adult toothbrushes. Chances are, the only time your toothbrush even enters your thoughts is when you are actually using it. What most people do not realize is that there is so much more to the toothbrush then they ever knew. In this blog, we will take an in-depth look at this basic necessity that is the first thing we use in the morning and the last thing we use at night – the toothbrush.

History of the Toothbrush
Have you ever thought much about the history of the toothbrush? You may have just assumed that this is the tool that people have been using to clean their teeth for thousands, if not millions, of years. As it turns out, the history of the toothbrush is quite interesting. People actually used some very interesting items to clean the teeth before the invention of the toothbrush, including:
  • Bird feathers
  • Porcupine Quills
  • Tree twigs
  • Animal Bones
  • Chew sticks
The toothbrush that is similar to the one used today got its start in China approximately 500 years ago. Made with hog bristles, it was the most convenient way for people to clean their teeth at the time. It wasn’t until about 400 years later that the first nylon-bristled toothbrush was introduced. Inspired by the excellent hygiene habits of World War II soldiers, Americans then became extremely concerned with their own oral health and began regularly using the nylon toothbrush. It was after this that the nylon-bristled toothbrush was mass produced, giving everyone convenient access to this useful tool. In 1960, the first electric toothbrush was introduced. Over the years, different head shapes and sizes have emerged, and in 2003, it was determined that the modern toothbrush was one of the best inventions of all time.

Why Do I Need to Brush My Teeth?
Brushing our teeth has much more to do than just freshening the mouth and removing food particles. In fact, brushing your teeth is one of the most important things that you do for your overall health. While we all realize that neglecting to brush our teeth causes cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease, there are even further complications when a person does not practice good oral hygiene. The following things can happen if you neglect to brush your teeth properly two times per day for two minutes at a time:
  • Halitosis
  • Periodontal disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease. This results from excess bacteria in your mouth entering the bloodstream and affecting the ability of the body to fight illnesses.
  • Gingivitis
  • The decay of tooth enamel
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s disease
As anyone can see, brushing your teeth on a daily basis is vital. If you fail to do so, it can have a serious effect on your health.

What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Brushing?
When brushing your teeth each day, there are important guidelines to follow. Improper brushing techniques can have a negative effect on a person’s oral health, so make sure you know the do’s and don’ts of brushing:
  • Don’t hold the toothbrush flat against the teeth.
  • Do hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the teeth.
  • Don’t scrub the teeth aggressively.
  • Do brush with gentle, short, back and forth strokes.
  • Don’t use a hard-bristled toothbrush.
  • Do use a brush with soft bristles.
  • Don’t use a toothbrush that is more than three months old.
  • Do use a toothpaste that is FDA approved.
  • Don’t cut your brushing sessions short.
  • Do brush for the recommended amount of time.
Which Toothbrush Should I Use?
With so many toothbrushes on the market today, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Always remember to choose a brush with soft bristles. In terms of comfort, pick the handle that you feel is best for you. Keep this in mind for the size of the brush head as well. Choose a size that you feel will be comfortable in your mouth and allow you to clean the teeth with as much ease as possible. Always make sure to choose a toothbrush that is approved by the American Dental Association. When deciding between a manual or electric toothbrush, many dental professionals may feel that the electric type is more effective. However, if you are more comfortable with a manual toothbrush, this is perfectly acceptable as long as you adhere to the proper brushing techniques.

Professional Care
While everyone should be well aware of the fact that brushing your teeth is an important part of your oral health regimen, it should be noted that professional dental care is essential. Be sure to visit your dentist every six months for a routine cleaning and checkup. In addition to a thorough cleaning, you’ll also have x-rays taken at your dental appointment so that any potential problems can be detected or identified. The dentist will examine the health of your teeth and gums, as well as do a screening for oral cancer. It is during your routine dental exams that the dentist can look for signs of any issues and take preventative measures that may be needed. Your dental professional will also review the proper oral care techniques, and answer any questions that you may have.

At Rosy Dental, we understand the importance of proper brushing techniques for each one of our patients. Our staff can provide any information that is needed regarding a healthy oral care routine, as well as make recommendations regarding products that are right for everyone’s individual needs. Our wonderful dental spa ensures that each person has the ultimate dental experience as they enjoy a wide range of amenities. We offer services that include cleaning, fillings, extractions, root canal therapy, and much more. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.
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